There is no death in this universe.
There is only change.
What you call death
Is merely a change of vehicle.
When there is no longer a physical pattern
To held them together
The body disintegrates.
You can't see the occupant anymore.
You think it's gone
But it is not.
It's just in another state.
When man leaves his body
He moves into what we call
The Astral Plane
And changes into another vibration of matter,
One slightly less dense
Than the physical one.
Then we have what is called
A Second Death.
Those heavy with selfish thoughts and egotistical desires,
Stay in the astral body a long time.
They become floating astral corpses
In the plane nearest to the earth.
An average good man's astral body
Will disintegrate much more quickly.
He will move onward into states of rest and recuperation
And into the Halls of Learning.
When karma is right
He will reincarnate into a new physical body.