Wednesday, September 27, 2017

“Sound or vibration is the most powerful force in the universe. Music is a divine art, to be used not only for pleasure but as a path to God-realization. Vibrations resulting from devotional singing lead to attunement with the Cosmic Vibration”

Saturday, September 02, 2017

A friend sent this to me and others may enjoy its substance:

The truly free man needs to make no parade of himself, he needs to do nothing but exist within his own duties. If he does his duty as a human being, if he becomes fully and truly compassionate, then he will find service for his energies; he wiil find satisfactions for his needs. He will be a light and a warmth to whom many come.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Warriors of the Spirit

I cannot remember where I first read this, but it is a powerful statement.

Warriors of the Spirit
War arises from unkindness, from fear, from love of power and greed. Those are where the roots are and as long as we let those roots grow in our spirit we will contribute to another war.
Power is admired in the community of men. How much better it would be to infect people with hope and care about the whole of life.

Monday, June 26, 2017

He enjoys no freedom who has no control over himself. Man needs the order f an inner harmony, which implies mastery over himself....N. Sri Ram

Friday, June 02, 2017

"Life itself has speech, and is never silent. And its utterance is not, as you that are deaf may suppose, a cry: it is a song."
Clara M. Codd. MEDITATION: Its Practice and Results

Sunday, February 26, 2017

A friend recently sent me this idea on compassion:

“Move in sympathy, not only to yourself, but to all beings.  

Come into compassion with the struggles of all others.  

Come into putting yourselves in the place of every man  

so that, knowing your own effort, you know also his,  

and you judge him with the utmost love –  

not that you do not see his needs and his undeveloped areas,  

but you know yourself and your own.

So you help where you can.”