Monday, November 22, 2010

What is it all about?

The last five years of my mother's life were remarkable.  She had a touch of Alzheimer's, didn't know who I was when she first entered the hospital, had four near death experiences in the next five years and every time she survived, she came home more alert mentally and more loving.  By the time she died, she was absolutely irresistible. The night she came home from what I call her second miracle, I heard her stir in the middle of the night.  I rushed into her bedroom, turned on the light, and there she was sitting up in bed unattended (earlier she couldn't move without help), her face was radiant and a huge smile spread across her cheeks.  She looked at me and said, "Do you know what life is all about?  It's all about love and understanding, but every one's brain isn't the same, so you help when you can. That's what life is all about."  She smiled, put herself down and went back to sleep.  The next morning she again could not move without help.

Those magical words of hers have become a mantra I repeat to myself every day.

Monday, November 15, 2010

My mother lost her education and her family, everything she cherished. I’ve often wondered how I would react if ordinary Turks apologized and said they carried shame and remorse in their hearts for what their forefathers did to the Armenians.  The word forgiveness has never been part of my vocabulary....that is...until I heard Desmond Tutu’s interpretation of forgiveness. Desmond Tutu suggests that by saying “I forgive you,” two things happen.  The victim releases the fearful emotional hold thrust upon him/her by the perpetrator and is also saying, “I’m not going to attack you.” This releasing of hostility by the victim then gives the perpetrator a freeing opportunity to apologize and make amends. Naive?  Maybe...and maybe not.