Monday, November 07, 2011

I've heard some say they are not comfortable in their skin. Could the solution to that conundrum be in not understanding what thought is? After all who in our educational system has taught us how to understand our thought life?

The Buddhists say the happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts. Do you have any idea what thoughts fill your mind...daily? And which ones are junk thoughts?

Do you have any idea what thought is and where it comes from? Have you ever considered investigating your own find out if those junk thoughts plague your life?

That investigation is the way to understanding who you really are. Then you will be comfortable in your own skin.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

I heard this today and felt it worth passing along.

Those who can never get enough and are motivated by greed find they have entered into another phase of poverty.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

My Teacher said:

When you make your universe yourself,

No one can take anything from you.

When you are fearful
Many things will hurt you.

When you are bitter
The taste of experience is bitter.

The bitterness of the cup
Is in the taste
Not in the experience.

It is not bitter and it is not sweet.

Monday, June 06, 2011


Acupuncture has been one of my keen interests and one of the fascinating things I've learned is that acupuncture states that the HEART RULES THE MIND and that your heart is the center of your life energy as well as the center of your mental and intuitive energy.

How often have you heard people say"It was heartfelt", "My heart is broken",  "I learned it by heart"?  People say, "I love with all my heart." They never say, "I love with all my brain."You may think you think with your brain. But you do not.

You think with your heart! 

Saturday, May 28, 2011


I recently got an email from an old friend who lives in Germany. Her daughter somehow found a copy of my novel, A GIFT IN THE SUNLIGHT: An Armenian Story and gave it to her mother. My German friend read my book, in spite of her macular degeneration, emailed me immediately to say this one line in the story affected her deeply. It was said to my mother by an American teacher, a missionary who loved my mother.


Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Recently a powerful thought keeps running through my mind and I keep telling myself I need to post it...and finally here it is


Saturday, April 23, 2011

April 24:

April 24 is the day Armenians worldwide honor those who perished in the Armenian genocide. President Obama promised in his presidential campaign to recognize the Armenian catastrophe as genocide and still refuses to use the G word as President. But we Armenian Americans will not relent from our demand for the dignity of truth. My mother was a survivor, I am her voice and her spirit won’t release me until Turkey admits its intent in expelling its Turkish Armenian population from its historic homeland during WWI was none other than genocide.

Because the world forgot about those Starving Armenians at the onset of WWII, Hitler may have use the Armenian genocide as a template when he spoke those famous words in 1939, “Who today still talks about the extermination of the Armenians.”

Yes indeed, for every apparent injustice there has been a previous injustice in the past.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


There are many who say that J. Krishnamurti was the spiritual teacher of the 20th century.  He was a dynamic speaker and I was fortunate to hear one of his talks in Ojai, California. The Vietnam war was raging at the time and I was stunned to hear him say that all of us were responsible for that war.  My immediate thought was... "Me? I have nothing to do with that war," but I did not realize at the time what he meant. Then somewhere I read this about war and began to understand the significance of what he said on that eventful day.

The Roots of War Arise From
Love of Power

When we let these roots grow
In our Spirit
We contribute to a terrible WAR.

Saturday, March 05, 2011

It's been a while since I posted a new thought on my blog, but one of my projects, a potential documentary, has consumed my energy for the past several weeks. Now that I have a breather and am energized from a week of skiing in Colorado, I want to write just one powerful insight I either heard or read recently and can't get out of my mind.

Those whose hearts are void of kindness end up living lives filled with misery.

Monday, January 17, 2011


During one of my teaching sabbaticals I studied with a medical doctor who specialized in acupuncture. One of his patients told him I was a yoga aficionado who had studied in India and my interest in maintaining a healthy body triggered an interest in acupuncture. When he learned I was auditing classes at one of the local acupuncture colleges in Los Angeles, he contacted me and asked if I could create a series of exercises to trigger “chi” through the acupuncture meridian channels. He said I could work with some of his patients to see if the exercises increased their healing time. I was delighted with the offer, but I soon discovered that most of his patients were not comfortable in their bodies and did not have a good sense of their body, especially when their eyes were closed. It was difficult for them to merely stretch their toes and far more difficult to exercise the meridian stretch positions. Only one of the six patients was successful. She had been a ballet student in her youth, was totally in touch with her body and was able to stretch each of the twelve major meridians properly. Suffering with intense back pain, she feared she’d have to cancel a planned trip to Europe. I suggested she practice the twelve stretches five times a day, and a month later I received a card from her thanking me. The card was postmarked from Switzerland.

My keen interest in acupuncture led me to apply to the Academy of Chinese Medicine in Beijing, and when I was accepted I applied for another teaching sabbatical. It was approved, but at the time my elderly mother became seriously ill and I had to cancel that learning experience. I never did get to China because I transferred that energy from acupuncture to researching and writing a story about my mother’s survival from the Armenian Genocide, which took many more years than I had envisioned.

I still find acupuncture fascinating. There are such interesting aspects of how acupuncture relates to our physical and emotional bodies. For example, the organs of the body are compared to a society. The lungs are likened to that of a population’s prime minister, the liver to a General and the heart is referred to as the Emperor. The human heart is protected by a membrane and in acupuncture that membrane is referred to as the jester whose job is to keep the emperor happy. Why? Because when the emperor is happy, the population will be happy. How does this relate to the human being? Does it mean that if the heart is free from stress the rest of the body will function harmoniously? Chinese medicine says the heart rules the mind. If that is true, and it most likely is, I immediately know what is meant when someone says, “He has a big heart.” A wise and great soul once said to me:

Your heart is the center of your life energy
And the center of your mental and intuitive energy
How often have you heard people say
"It was heartfelt"
"My heart is broken"
"I learned it by heart"?
People say, "I love with all my heart."
They never say, "I love with all my brain"
You may think you think with your brain.
But you do not.
You think with your heart.