Saturday, April 04, 2020



Just as dreams are unreal in comparison with the things seen in waking life, even so the things seen in waking life in this world are unreal in comparison with the thought world, which alone is truly real …  Hermes

The thought world? What is this thought world?  We all have thoughts, but does thought have a world of its own?  If so, is it possible to know your own thought world, its derivation and how thought plays with your mind and affects your daily life?

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “You are what you think all day long.”  YOU are a total of all your thoughts and that inner life makes up your consciousness.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Energy comes from food and air
Food is the building block for your body
But vitality and energy come from prana, the vital force in air.
you can live on far less than you presently eat
If you breathe in prana five times every morning.
Take a deep breath, hold it
And focus on your heart.
if you do this four or five times a day
Your nervous system will become steadier.
After a month of practice
you will feel more energized in your physical body
And in your mental body.