Sunday, September 03, 2006


There is no death in this universe.
There is only change.
What you call death
Is merely a change of vehicle.

When there is no longer a physical pattern
To held them together
The body disintegrates.

You can't see the occupant anymore.
You think it's gone
But it is not.
It's just in another state.

When man leaves his body
He moves into what we call
The Astral Plane
And changes into another vibration of matter,
One slightly less dense
Than the physical one.

Then we have what is called
A Second Death.

Those heavy with selfish thoughts and egotistical desires,
Stay in the astral body a long time.
They become floating astral corpses
In the plane nearest to the earth.
An average good man's astral body
Will disintegrate much more quickly.
He will move onward into states of rest and recuperation
And into the Halls of Learning.

When karma is right
He will reincarnate into a new physical body.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

To know means to have responsibility
No longer blame outward circumstances.
Where you are is your field of Happiness.
Make it useful.
See Happiness within what is around you.
Build it into a beautiful thing.
How you react is under your power.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

As you read this interesting IDEA be aware that in the study of acupuncture the HEART RULES THE MIND!
Your heart is the center of your life energy
And the center of your mental and intuitive energy
How often have you heard people say
"It was heartfelt"
"My heart is broken"
"I learned it by heart"
People say, "I love with all my heart."
They never say, "I love with all my brain."
You may think you think with your brain.
But you do not.
You think with your heart!

Saturday, June 24, 2006

The heart is both physical and spiritual.
It coarsens and grows less elastic
If you send it wrong ingredients.
It is like boiling water in a pot
And the sediment in the water hardens
If the water is not pure.
What ingredients pruify the heart's blood?
Ease the stresses of the body and mind,
relax the tension within the self.
Look upon each being with a clear and gentle eye
Without fear
Without hostility
Without reacting when hit hard.
Let the hit rebound
Within a stream of healing force.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Energy comes from food and air.
Food is the building block for your body
But vitality and energy come from prana, the vital force in air.
You can live on far less than you presently eat
If you breathe in prana five times every morning.
Take a deep breath, hold it
And focus on your heart.
If you do this four or five times a day
your nervous system will become steadier.
After a month of practice
You will feel more energized in your physical body
And in your mental body.

Monday, June 12, 2006

The thing that controls
The beating of the heart
When confronted with fear
The breath becomes swift and shallow
In times of relaxation
The breath is even ad rhythmic
Breathing follows the tenor of the mind
And reflects directly upon the heart

Sunday, June 11, 2006

As you read this interesting IDEA be aware that in the study of acupuncture the HEART RULES THE MIND!
Your heart is the center of your life energy
And the center of your mental and intuitive energy
How often have you heard people say
"It was heartfelt"
"My heart is broken"
"I learned it by heart"
People say, "I love with all my heart."
They never say, "I love with all my brain."
You may think you think with your brain.
But you do not.
You think with your heart!